What Are the Health Benefits of Goji Berries

Reading time: 9 min
  • It is packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and other nutrients that can improve overall health
  • They are low in calories and high in essential nutrients, making them a great addition to a healthy diet, especially for older adults
  • It has benefits for the eyes, immune system, cancer prevention, healthy skin, and stabilizing blood sugar levels
  • They may also have mental health benefits, such as improving mood, reducing anxiety, and promoting better sleep
  • It can help protect the liver, improve liver function, and reduce the risk of liver cancer

Goji berries are a healthy superfood that has been around for centuries.

These little fruits are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and other nutrients that can help improve your overall health.

In addition to their benefits for the body, goji berries are also popular as an energy boost and weight loss supplement.

The nutrition facts of goji berries show that they are low in calories and high in essential nutrients like zinc and amino acids.

This makes them a great addition to a healthy diet, especially for older adults who may have specific nutritional needs.

Also known as wolfberries, or more aptly, the elixir of life, these red berry packs a punch. According to the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine:

“Now the benefits of consuming goji berries to improve well-being have been confirmed by research.”

Are you curious about the health benefits of goji berries?

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common benefits of goji berries and how they can help improve your health.

We’ll also discuss some of the side effects and provide tips on how to eat dry goji berries best.

So, whether you’re looking to improve your general health or targeted supplementation, goji berries are a great option.

Read on to learn more about this potent little powerhouse of goodness!

Goji berries

What Is a Goji Berry?

Goji berries are native to China and larger parts of Asia.

It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

They are known for their powerful antioxidant properties, which help fight off free radicals that can damage cells, cause inflammation, and worse (purely for the sake of vanity) premature aging.

These delicious but tart little fruits also contain high levels of vitamins A and C, fiber, manganese, and other antioxidants.

What the Science Says About Goji Berries

Despite its long-standing history as a natural remedy for most ailments, goji has only recently gained popularity as a superfood.

If you are unfamiliar with goji berry benefits, you will likely spring into action after reading this blog.

Studies have proven that the bioactive compounds found in Goji berries make it a potential natural antioxidant medicine for future pharmacological use.

Some studies have shown that goji berries can help improve heart health by reducing hypertension and preventing heart disease.

They also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity.

The high antioxidant levels have been shown to combat cancer cells for a start effectively!

But let’s look at why goji berries are considered a must-have as part of your weight loss diet.

Top Benefits of Goji Berries

1- Protects the Eyes

Among the benefits of introducing goji berries to your diet, its effect on eye health stands out as one of the benefits backed by science.

They contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two important carotenoids that help protect the macula and prevent eye diseases like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and cataracts.

In addition, goji berries have been shown to improve vision by reducing inflammation and reducing oxidative stress levels in the eyes.

So far, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

However, some studies suggest it may be an effective way to protect against glare, moisture, and UV radiation damage.

Furthermore, the protective possibilities of goji berry extracts on retina cells have been proven to be helpful against early stages of degeneration in both animals and humans.

2- Provides Immune System Support

Goji berries are also known for their immune-boosting properties.

They contain phytochemicals that can strengthen the immune system and protect against allergies and infections.

First, it has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce symptoms like asthma and arthritis.

Second, it helps boost the body’s natural defenses against disease by providing antioxidants and other nutrients that help fight off oxidative damage.

It can also improve circulation by opening up arteries and alleviating congestion.

Finally, goji berries can also help improve moods by boosting serotonin levels.

All in all, what’s not to love?

These are just some of the many health benefits that Goji berries offer.

If you’re looking for an easy way to boost your immune system, you should consider incorporating this fruit into your diet.

3- Protects Against Cancer

As mentioned, several studies have indicated that goji berries have effectively prevented cancerous cells from growing and spreading.

Some of these studies have shown that goji berries can help to improve the survival rates of patients who have had cancer and can even shrink tumors in some cases.

Though some questions remain about the exact mechanism by which goji berries work, it is clear that they are rich in powerful anti-cancer properties.

Antioxidants are renowned for reducing tumor growth and removing harmful substances from the body.

So stay tuned – you can expect many future studies into goji berries’ anti-cancerous properties.

Goji berries

4- Promotes Healthy Skin

Do you want healthy, glowing skin?

Then grab a bottle of goji berry juice.

As we’ve illustrated, goji berries contain high levels of antioxidants, which help to protect the skin against harmful chemicals and UV radiation.

In addition, they are jam-packed with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium and magnesium.

These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy complexion.

Goji berries are also rich in beta-carotene, which transforms into Vitamin A when entering the human body.

The Beta carotene in goji berries helps to protect and repair your skin.

5 – Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Some studies have shown that goji berries can help stabilize blood sugar levels in people with diabetes or hypoglycemia, which can be a life-saving achievement.

This is especially helpful in type 2 diabetes, which can be controlled through a healthier diet and lifestyle.

Additionally, goji berries are linked to an increase in the production of glutathione (a powerful antioxidant), which can protect the cells in your body from damage.

6- Improves Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep

In addition to their physical health benefits, goji berries are also believed to have mental health benefits.

Some studies suggest that they can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and promote calmness.

They may also enhance athletic performance.

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems we face today.

One way goji berries may help is by increasing serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood and appetite.

Additionally, goji berries have been shown to improve cognitive function and memory recall in people with depression.

Anxiety is another common mental health problem that can be debilitating and difficult to manage.

Goji berries may help address this issue – they contain compounds that activate receptors in the brain associated with stress relief.

7- Prevents Liver Damage

This comes as great news just after the festive season!

If you have been jovial, your liver likely took the punishment for you.

Drinking goji berry juice might be just the hangover cure you need.

These little helpers contain polysaccharides, which help improve liver function and protect it against inflammation.

Studies have shown that goji berries can reduce the risk of liver cancer and improve overall liver health.

This is because they help to expel toxins from the body and reduce inflammation.

They also help improve the flow of bile, which is an essential component of digestion.

On a side note, the prebiotic prosperities found in goji berries have been proven to support Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus bacteria species in our gut.

What Makes Goji Berries so Good?

So, let’s recap. Why are they so good for your health?

Gojis have various benefits for the skin, hair, nails, digestion, moods, and so on!

Studies show that goji berries may help improve memory function and protect against age-related decline in cognitive performance.

They’re also a great source of dietary protein (18%!), healthy fats (including omega-3 fatty acids), vitamins B6 and E, calcium, and iron deficiency symptoms such as fatigue or weakness.

Not only do they taste amazing (albeit with a sour hint), but you know you’re doing your body a favor by incorporating them into your diet!

Adding Goji Berries to the Diet

We’ve shown you that Adding goji berries to your diet can have a variety of health benefits.

Who wouldn’t appreciate lowered blood pressure, improved cognitive function, and reduced inflammation?

Goji berries health benefits

They also improve cognitive function by boosting the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

And lastly, they reduce inflammation in the body by lowering the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

So, whether you’re looking for an anti-inflammatory agent or some additional nutrients for your diet, goji berries are a great option.

You can consume goji berries in various ways, including raw, in juice, tea, smoothies, and even with breakfast.

If you opt for the dry variety, soak a handful of goji berries in half a cup of boiling water for a few minutes, and viola!

Sprinkle a handful over your cereal or yogurt, and you are set for the day.

Side Effects – Who Should Avoid Goji Berries

Goji berries may interact with some drugs, especially blood thinners and Type 1 diabetes drugs.

Blood pressure drugs have also been known to be affected by goji berries.

Consuming through moderation may not cause harm, but it is always wise to err on the side of caution.

Because of its high antioxidant properties, we must consult our doctor before consuming large amounts.

Berry Berry Nice

Goji berries could be a great addition to an already healthy lifestyle and, when included in daily diets, could help you reach greater potential for your health.

With its versatile use in foods and drinks, you do not have to worry about finding ways to use it, as you could include it in your favorite meals and drinks.

Introduce this rich in antioxidants fruit into your diet for maximum health potential.

In conclusion, goji berries offer a wide range of health benefits, from boosting immunity to improving heart and eye health.

They can be a great addition to a healthy diet and may provide additional support for individuals with certain health conditions.

However, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before significantly changing your diet or supplement routine.