8 Benefits of Aloe Vera

Reading time: 6 min

Do you know the benefits of aloe vera? This medicinal plant is widely known for its benefits and healing properties. Its main applications are in the treatment of skin wounds and the improvement of intestinal health. 

But not only that, continue reading this blog and learn more about the health benefits that this medicinal plant can provide.

Where does aloe vera come from?

It was originally grown under tropical conditions in North Africa, Southern Europe, and the Canary Islands. Its use began for therapeutic purposes in ancient Egypt. Aloe vera has been used for millennia for its medical and therapeutic properties.

It is being used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Also, it is currently used in many countries around the world in modern medicine to treat a variety of diseases.

Top 8 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains a lot of properties and for this reason, has a wide range of outstanding benefits. Some of them are the ability to reduce stomach acidity and improve digestion and intestinal health.

Aloe Vera

Also can inhibit the progression of some types of cancer. According to research, humans are only now beginning to take advantage of the full potential of this plant. Many advantages can provide it consumption.

So, get to know the top 8 health benefits of aloe vera:

Strong antioxidant capabilities

We all know that our body needs antioxidants for general good health. These are substances that our body produces to fight free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells.

Aloe gel is packed with powerful antioxidants (belonging to the polyphenol family) that restrict the growth of some disease-causing bacteria. Thanks to its antiviral and antibacterial power, the aloe vera plant can help treat wounds and skin problems.

Constipation treatment

Aloe vera may help relieve constipation and increase the frequency of bowel movements. The advantages are due to latex, a sticky yellow residue found under the skin of the leaf.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

The main chemical responsible for this advantageous effect is aloin or barbaloin. So if you suffer from this terrible condition, you can improve the consistency and frequency of your bowel movements naturally by consuming aloe vera.

Could decrease dental plaque

Gum disease and dental caries are widespread health problems. Reducing the accumulation of plaque on the teeth prevents the gums from becoming inflamed and infected and also prevents the appearance of dental caries.

According to studies conducted, the use of aloe vera mouthwash is as effective as a chlorhexidine-based mouthwash. Aloe vera mouthwash was found to reduce dental plaque more effectively than chlorhexidine after just one week of use. As the years go by, aloe vera is certified to be effective in killing plaque-causing bacteria in the mouth.

Improves wound healing

Aloe vera’s ability to soothe sunburns and skin abrasions may be its best-known and most widely used benefit. The power of aloe vera in this regard was first discovered as a skin protectant in the early 19th century.

Compared to pharmaceutical treatment, studies have revealed that aloe vera can speed burn healing by an average of 9 days. Other disorders such as infections, redness, and itching were also treated and prevented thanks to their use.

Canker sores can be treated with this plant

You will most likely develop a canker sore at some point in your life. An internal sore in the mouth or near the gum line is known as a canker. According to studies, aloe vera therapy can speed up the healing process of these terrible discomforts.

Applying some aloe vera gel to the affected area of the sore can help reduce the size of the sore. You must be constant and wait at least 7 days to see results. However, if no improvement is seen from the first application or if the sore is very large, it is best to see a doctor.

May improve skin health

Taking aloe vera gel orally has been shown to promote collagen formation and improve skin health. Additionally, aloe vera can help restore skin integrity, moisturize, and soothe dry skin. So, consuming a little aloe vera daily is a good idea to apply as a skincare routine. 

Aloe Vera skin health

Lowers blood sugar

Aloe vera can increase insulin sensitivity and facilitate better blood sugar control. As a result, aloe vera could be a useful treatment for those with diabetes.

The positive benefits of aloe vera in glycemic control have been related to people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. However, its consumption is only an aid, these types of diseases must be treated and controlled by a specialist in the area.

Contains healthy plant compounds

Aloe vera is used more frequently each year and it is estimated that each year its market value will continue to increase. It is used in a variety of industries, including cosmetics, food, dietary supplements, and pharmaceuticals.

On each leaf is a sticky tissue that retains water. That aloe vera “gel” is the tissue filled with water. The gel is loaded with beneficial bioactive substances such as antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. In the aloe vera gel is where all the benefits and properties of this wonderful plant are found. 

What are the risks of consuming Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera generally has little to no ill effects and is safe to consume. However, before beginning a new health routine, it is advisable to speak with your doctor. It is always important to take precautions before its use or consumption in case of suffering from a chronic illness or if you are using a specific medication.

consuming Aloe Vera

Benefits of consuming Aloe Vera supplements

If you use aloe vera supplements you will be enjoying the wonderful aloe benefits that this medicinal plant has. Best of all, it won’t be complicated at all, just take 1 or 2 capsules of the supplement accompanied by a glass of water.

The amounts of capsules will depend on the recommendations of the supplement manufacturer. However, always check with your doctor which is the most appropriate dose for you according to your case.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Everybody

You already know the main benefits of aloe vera, so you should not miss the opportunity and begin to include the use and consumption of this wonderful plant. It is important that you keep in mind that aloe vera can have a laxative effect on some people.

If you are not sure how to use it, it is always advisable to consult your doctor, especially if you suffer from some health conditions.

But in general, its use and consumption are not contraindicated for most people. So, start enjoying aloe vera benefits from now.