Eat Rice For Weight Loss? Is It Good?

Reading time: 14 min
  • It can be a beneficial food for weight loss if you choose the right type
  • Brown rice is a better weight-loss option than white rice
  • Wild rice, bamboo rice, red rice, and samak rice are other varieties that can aid in weight loss
  • Cooking rice with coconut oil and chilling it can reduce its calorie content
  • Slow-cooking rice preserves more nutrients and makes it easier to digest

There are numerous types of rice like brown rice, whole grain rice and, each with its distinct composition of vitamins, minerals, and health advantages.

And while a lot of us have been advised that eating rice isn’t a good idea if you’re trying to lose weight, this isn’t always the case.

Finding the correct kind of rice for weight loss to include in your diet is more important than avoiding it completely.

We have extensively researched rice, its types, and its benefits to provide timely and valid information.

Read on to discover more about the various varieties of rice and their distinct health advantages.

The importance of rice for weight loss

Rice is a good food that can help you a lot if you include it in your weight loss diet since it has low calories if you know how to choose the right rice.

That is why consuming it will help with weight loss.

In addition, it is a food that is quite easy to acquire and accessible to buy, so you have no excuses to include it on your shopping list and always have it at home.

Rice is often considered a staple food in many cultures, and it is a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into a variety of dishes.

While there is some debate about whether rice is fattening or beneficial for weight loss, choosing the right type of rice can make a difference.

Brown rice, for example, is a good source of fiber and has less processed than white rice, making it a better option for those on a weight loss journey.

On the other hand, white rice has less fiber and nutritional value than brown rice, so it may be best to limit white rice consumption if you are trying to lose weight.

Ultimately, including rice as part of a healthy, balanced diet can be beneficial for weight loss, but it’s important to choose the right type and consume it in moderation.

Different Types of rice and which is the best for weight loss

The health benefits of rice are many, but the benefits vary according to the type of rice. Also, rice may help you in your body weight goal.

For that reason, you should know the different types of rice to choose the best one for you:

White Rice

Why not eat white rice? White rice is not the villain everyone paints it to be if it is eaten in moderation.

However, you might want to try different varieties of less processed rice that still have their nutritional value if you’re trying to decrease belly fat.

White Rice for weight loss

It has been said for decades that white rice is the “worst” variety of rice for reducing belly fat.

White rice is also more processed than brown rice, so although it’s not inherently bad for you, it will lose certain nutrients during processing.

In comparison to black rice and brown rice, white rice offers the most carbohydrates per serving and the least fiber.

Low fiber won’t help you stay satisfied and will ultimately make you feel hungry more quickly.

So, if you want to lose belly fat, stick to brown or black rice because they include more nutrients.

Brown Rice

If you want to lose weight, use rice to accelerate your goal especially brown rice, since it is the most important in weight loss due to its low-calorie content.

Also, one of the primary reasons brown rice is consumed for weight loss is because it is a highly high-fiber food, which stimulates metabolism and helps the body burn more calories.

Additionally, this sort of rice makes you feel fuller for longer, limiting overeating and late-night snacking. With a decent, healthy snack, you will have more than enough food for the day.

Brown Rice

But the benefits of this rice are not only associated with weight loss but also with its nutritional contribution.

It’s common knowledge that brown rice is better for you than white rice, primarily because it hasn’t been processed.

It is, hence, loaded with nutrients.

Because it is a complete grain, brown rice contains several nutrients.

It has a lot of magnesium, zinc, fiber, and B vitamins.

Additionally, brown rice reduces blood sugar, can aid in better digestion, and nourishes the good bacteria in your gut.

Another of the benefits of eating brown rice after engaging in physical activity or engaging in sports is that it aids in the regeneration of body tissues like muscles and skin.

Also, brown rice will provide you with all the energy you need all day, from the moment you get up until you go to bed.

Wild Rice

Wild rice is natural, unprocessed food.

Although there are several varieties of wild rice, Zizania palustris, or Northern wild rice, and Zizania aquatica, or wild rice, are the most widely accessible.

Paddy rice is now grown in some areas of California and Minnesota, but actual wild rice, sometimes known as “lake rice,” is still accessible.

This is in large part due to community-wide preservation and harvesting activities.

In actuality, wild rice isn’t even a type of rice. It’s a type of marine grass, and it takes time to process it.

The harvest of the grains comes first; they are then heated, and the husks are finally removed.

Kernels that are mostly uniform in color are black and brown.

Wild Rice for weight loss

This variety of rice is regarded as a whole grain that is rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and other minerals.

It has also been linked to improvements in weight management, heart health, and lipid profiles.

True lake rice is thought to have a deeper flavor than the more popular paddy rice, even though several varieties of wild rice are renowned for their flavor.

Paddy rice is constantly dark brown or black and has a more consistent shape.

Contrarily, Lake Rice can be either long and thin or short and fat, ranging from purple to brown to black.

Bamboo rice

Since bamboo rice is only harvested once every 40 years, it is an uncommon product.

Yes, it is primarily farmed by the tribal group in hilly areas, where it serves as a secret element for keeping good health.

Bamboo rice for weight loss

This rice, made from a dying bamboo shoot low on the glycemic index and high in vitamin B, is a wonderful treatment for those with joint pain.

Red Rice

This particular grain’s predominant color is red because anthocyanin, a pigment, is present in it.

Thanks to this pigment, this rice has an abundance of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities, which can aid your body in the battle against free radicals.

It is also a wonderful food for weight loss because it contains a lot of protein and dietary fiber.

Red Rice for weight loss

This one is another popular rice type that is regarded as a whole grain rice.

It is among the healthiest varieties of rice you may consume, particularly if you attempt to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Samak rice

This rice has a lot of fiber and protein.

It is devoid of gluten and low in calories, so you’ll feel full for a long period and eat fewer meals as a result.

Samak rice also offers many health advantages and is rich in iron, so eating it helps treat conditions like anemia, iron deficiency, and physical weakness.

Samak rice for weight loss

Additionally, this rice is easy to digest and prevents stomach-related problems like constipation, in addition to being excellent for the digestive system.

Carolina Gold Rice

Despite being less popular than other varieties of rice, Carolina Gold Rice deserves to be at the top of the list due to its numerous health advantages.

Although this variety of rice is only farmed in a few southern U.S. states, it has gained popularity thanks to its high antioxidant and vitamin content.

Researchers from the Blue Zone have also researched Carolina Gold Rice, which many South Carolinians credit with extending their lives.

Additionally, it has a lot of protein and fiber, two nutrients that are excellent for promoting weight loss.

Black Rice

Black rice is among the best types of rice for shedding pounds and improving your general health.

Due to anthocyanin, a potent anti-inflammatory, it contains the most antioxidants of any rice variety.

It also contains significant protein (10 grams in one cooked cup).

Black Rice for weight loss

Protein aids in both fat and muscle calorie burning.

It also enhances your general well-being. It also contains a significant amount of fiber.

Thanks to the fiber and protein, you’ll feel full and won’t want to go for harmful snacks.

The impressive thing is that black rice is good for weight loss and because of the number of antioxidants it contains that help protect the heart from diseases.

It is also gluten-free and can be safely consumed by people who are allergic to this protein, thus avoiding the annoying discomforts and side effects that gluten can cause them.

How can the calories be reduced in a rice diet?

While all of the rice varieties stated above are suitable for weight reduction and health, there are additional ways to reduce the calories in rice.

A straightforward cooking tip could reduce the calorie content of rice by 60%, according to experts at the College of Chemical Sciences in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Both resistant and digestible starch are present in rice.

Digestible starch is readily absorbed and changes into sugar, increasing the body’s calorie count.

However, resistant starch cannot be broken down by human enzymes, which prevents it from becoming sugar.

Instead, it goes through the small intestine, where it is digested and aids in the improvement of gut health.

The Sri Lankan Institute’s researchers discovered that cooking a cup of rice with a teaspoon of coconut oil for 40 minutes and then chilling it for 12 hours afterward lowered the number of calories the rice contained.

How to include rice in your diet to preserve nutrients?

Rice preparation plays a key role in determining how much nutrition the body absorbs.

According to several scientific studies, slow cooking is one of the healthiest cooking methods than pressure cooking.

People disagree on the best method for cooking rice due to various debates surrounding it.

While some people feel that using pressure cookers or rice cookers shortens the cooking process and minimizes the loss of nutrients, others have discouraged their usage, stating that the increased pressure and temperature cause the food to be destroyed.

In some circumstances, the pressure cooker’s quick cooking process doesn’t fully cook the rice, making it harder to digest.

In contrast, gradual cooking not only preserves nutrients but also makes vitamins and minerals in the food readily available to the body for assimilation and digestion.

Even though both ways of cooking rice are safe and healthy, the slow cooking removes the starch from the rice, making it less greasy and easier to digest.

But you can certainly choose the pressure-cooking approach if you don’t mind eating the starchy rice.

How rice impact weight loss?

Rice, in many of its variations, is a food that can help you a lot if you include it in your weight loss diet since it has low calories if you know how to choose the right rice.

That is why consuming it will help with weight loss.

In addition, it is a food that is quite easy to acquire and accessible to buy, so you have no excuses to include it on your shopping list and always have it at home.

Some fun facts about rice varieties

  • Rice can also lead to weight gain. For this, the best type of rice is white.
  • A rice diet based is a high-carb, low-fat, and low-protein eating plan for weight loss.
  • The common whole-grain rice is referred to as “brown”. However, this term refers to the grain’s natural color rather than a specific kind.
  • Rice is high in carbs, the main fuel source of our bodies. For this reason, its consumption should be included in any healthy diet.
  • Basmati rice is a popular variety of white rice grown in the Himalayas, India, and Pakistan. It is healthier than traditional white rice because it has a lower glycemic index.
  • Rice consumption is very high in the US as it is one of the most popular grains. Around 4.8 million metric tons of rice are consumed annually in the US.
  • A typical amount of rice for a person is one cup for a main meal or 1/2 cup for a side dish.
  • Rice is one of the most consumed cereals since it offers many weight loss benefits.
  • If it is consumed in moderation, that is, the recommended amount per serving, rice can help us maintain a healthy weight.
  • Rice is an excellent option for weight loss because it has few calories.
  • Brown rice comes in several hues, such as reddish, purple, or black.
  • Rice is the star of a diet to lose weight. Especially brown rice because it is rich in fiber, does not contain fat, and is satiating.
  • If we start consuming rice frequently, we can get this cereal’s wonderful nutrients.
  • Rice is a type of grain that contains bran, germ, and endosperm.
  • If you are on a weight loss plan, check the type of rice you eat. When you come to weight loss, look for the one with the fewest calories and the most fiber.

Is Rice good for weight loss?

Rice is a basic food that is never missing from the kitchen, and for good reason.

Rice is a great source of carbohydrates and contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other health-promoting compounds.

Best of all, apart from being a staple food, rice can also be used to aid weight loss, but sometimes, choosing the right rice for such a purpose can be daunting.

That is why we have prepared this guide so that you can learn the advantages and benefits of each type of rice and you can make the best decisions.

So now you know, choose the type of rice that you like the most and cook it healthily to take advantage of all its benefits to lose weight and stay healthy.